Meet Meaghan! | Mankato Senior Photographer

Meaghan (pronounced Mee-gan), is one of my new Senior Socialites representing Mankato West Senior High. We had a great session in Minneapolis!

Here is a little more about Meaghan:

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What is the very first thing you’d buy if you won the lottery?

A new car (red!!)
Mac or PC?

What song gets the most plays on your iPod?

Anything by Eminem or Adele
Favorite store to go on a shopping spree:

J Crew
What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?

1) Pride and Prejudice
2) Lots of water
3) A motorboat
Which movie can you recite every line from?

She’s the Man, Mean Girls, and Harry Potter
Celebrity crush?

Zac Efron
What is your favorite place on Earth?

My house

I’ve always wanted to try _________________. (fill in the blank)

scuba diving
You couldn’t pay me to __________________. (fill in the blank)

touch a spider

When Meaghan told me she was bringing her prom dress I was so excited! They ended up being some of my favorite!Thanks Meaghan! I had so much fun working with you!


New Studio! | Coming in June…

I am so excited to announce that I will no longer be “homeless” and will soon be in another studio! I am co-renting with my good friend Kayla Paler and it’s going to be SO fun! Business-wise, we compliment each other perfectly… she specializes in maternity and newborn sessions and I specialize in seniors, weddings, and children. Together, we always have something up our sleeve so I am excited to collaborate on other projects as well. Here are some photos- there will be some new changes coming including paint, a new bed, and some more decorating.

I will be announcing some fun new mini-sessions to kick start the new studio so stay tuned! I’m so excited about them!

Modeling sessions have begun!

Modeling sessions are underway! Here are just a couple recent favorite images… stay tuned for more!

Speaking of modeling, my son Aidan is getting started in the industry. He is 2 for 2 with local agencies I’ve submitted to. I will be documenting this journey here and for those of you interested in getting your children into modeling, I will be offering future “modeling” sessions now that I am learning the ins and outs of the industry and what is required. More announcements on that coming soon…

Land of Nod | Cafeteria trays

I am a sucker for this kind of stuff! Show me some pretty pictures, give me awesome color options, and I’m sold! But for real, we are working very hard in our house to promote healthy eating with the kids and I came across these and thought they’d be so fun! You can pick them up here. I also love that they are made 100% from recycled milk jugs. We go through a ton of those in our house so you can thank me to contributing to the making of these cute little trays!:)

Mini-accordion albums

I was working on a client order and thought I would preview it here. These mini-accordion albums are my favorite! I love how customizable they are. They run $165 for a custom designed set of three. I always create them for myself after I shoot a session of my boys. They are magnetic so they stick to the fridge, and my boys love to look at them. Perfect for tiny hands, or tiny purses!