Six seasons of LOST… in 5 weeks.

If you have been a long time reader of my blog, you know what a big fan I am of LOST, the series. I didn’t get into it when it first aired, but somewhere around season 4 my husband decided to rent it one day. I sat down to give it a try and was instantly hooked. We got through all 4 seasons pretty quickly, then had to suffer with everyone else and watch it on live TV for the last two seasons. I loved it then and recently decided to pick it up again right at tax preparation time.

Being self employed can be lonely. Most people have jobs they go to and can interact with others, but when you’re sitting at a computer in your house for hours upon hours you need some serious entertainment. I love watching series on DVD because I can blow through them and never have to watch a single commercial. Every fall I break out Felicity (another favorite J.J. Abrams show) and can quickly watch all 4 seasons editing all those fall family sessions. I am one of those people that can watch a movie that I love over and over and don’t get sick of it.

I came up with the idea to start watching LOST from the beginning. Now that I know how it ended, I could go through and catch all the clues and things I always wondered about. I started renting discs at my local Coborn’s and 2 discs in someone else had the same idea as me and snatched up the rest of the season. I was so bummed so I ordered my own set of season 1&2 on Amazon and QUICKLY burned through them. I had to order seasons 3&4 next and I could barely keep up with myself. It is such a great show and as I wrapped the final episode tonight (bawling my eyes out) I just had to write about it.

I know some people I’ve talked to have “tried to watch it” but couldn’t get into it. I admit, the first season is the slowest. It is mostly flashbacks and character building but it is so important because you get to know and love these characters. Another frequently asked question is, “Isn’t it just about a plane crash?” Well, yes, it is, but that is literally just the surface story. The mysterious island itself is the story and everything that you learn about it along the way. It is such a deep, thoughtful, and meaningful show and there are so many thought provoking themes that run through it such as faith vs. science… and who doesn’t love some great love stories! And Sawyer. Oh yes, Sawyer!:)

Well now that I realized I’ve rambled for four paragraphs I just wanted to highly recommend it if you haven’t seen it! I managed to watch all six seasons in 5 weeks and I am so sad that my journey is once again over! I could seriously pop in disc 1 of season 1 and start all over again…